24 يونيو، 20240
Giulia Stabile insultata sui social per i denti, lei gela gli hater
L’ex ballerina di Amici di Maria De Filippi ha dato una risposta epica a chi la insultava a causa del…
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19 يونيو، 20240
Cristiano Ronaldo, il brutto gesto dopo il gol Conceiçao fa infuriare i social
Cristiano Ronaldo ha esordito al suo sesto Europeo in carriera, un record storico perché nessuno è mai riuscito ad arrivarci.…
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27 فبراير، 20240
Canada unveils law to force tech firms to remove ‘harmful’ content online | Social Media News
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says web giants have failed to keep kids safe online. Canada has unveiled draft legislation that…
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15 فبراير، 20240
The North Korean defectors finding fame in South Korea | Social Media
101 East follows the North Koreans chasing fame and fortune as internet celebrities in South Korea. Just a few years…
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14 فبراير، 20240
OK, Doomer! | Social Media
How our increasingly web-connected lives are affected by the online hopes and fears of our planet’s future. Obsessively checking negative…
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